Cool Science

Curious about how our cooling jewelry provides relief from hot flashes? Explore our resources about the cooling system innovative technology and women's health and wellness to support you on your journey.

Embrace Life's Transitions With Fria by Your Side

Why Am I Overheating?

The neurological perception of extreme heat in the body results in severe physical discomfort. During a hot flash, the blood rushing to the vessels nearest skin may raise skin temperature by five to seven degrees, but the core body temperature typically remains at a normal 98.6˚.

To combat that we use cooling zones (pulse points), so the back of someone's neck, back of the knees, temples, chest, and wrists. What all of these points on one's body have in common is that the blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin, so when they are in direct contact with a cold object, circulating blood is cooled and bringing instant relief throughout the body.

How Does Evaporative Cooling Work?

Evaporative cooling technology works by using natural air flow to force hot outside air throughout cooling pads. Once cold liquid is added to the cooling system it can absorb and evaporate heat, cooling down the surface. The effectiveness of evaporative cooling is influenced by factors such as ambient air environments: humidity, air flow, etc.

Evaporative cooling is only possible due to the natural phenomenon of latent heat. This results in the temperature and sensible heat (that you can feel or sense/perceived heat) to decrease due to the introduction of latent heat ("wet" heat, that absorbs or releases during a phase change). Evaporative cooling is different from traditional air conditioning systems, which use vapor compression refrigeration cycles.

Fria's Solution

Naturally our bodies already utilize evaporative cooling technology, the most common cooling method being perspiration. As we sweat and it starts the evaporate it absorbs the body heat to cool the body down.

To mimic this we created a solution that would accelerate this process to bring you cooling relief within a minute, and get rid of the possible embarrassment of breaking a sweat in public, whether that be at work, or at a friend's party.

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